Fall 2021
Vol. 6, Issue 1

Welcome! We are excited to share this issue of the AAALGrads Newsletter with you. The theme of this issue is
Looking Forward: A Return to Normal or New Beginnings?
scroll past the pdf to find links to the web versions of the articles
In this issue you will find:
Feature articles:
“Fostering Students' Voices: Asking About Their Learning During a Pandemic” by Anna Piotti (The Pennsylvania State University)
"Diversity among Graduate Students at AAAL: A Survey Report" by Xiao Tan (Arizona State University), Frances K. Wenrich (Boston University), Zakaria Fahmi (University of South Florida), Sarvenaz Balali (Texas A&M University)
Creative Corner:
“நீல தங்கம் - neela thangam - blue gold” by Suganya Rajendran Schmura (Texas A&M University Commerce)
Professional Development corner:
"On Becoming a Scholar: Editing Books as a Doctoral Student" by Pramod K. Sah (The University of British Columbia)
"Publishing During Your Doctoral Studies" by Dr. Kevin W. H. Tai (UCL Institute of Education, University College London)
"The Art of Leadership for Keeping Community Communication Going in the Post-pandemic Era" by Yoko Mori (University of Otago, New Zealand)
Resource Review:
Other People’s Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom, by Lisa Delpit - reviewed by Charles McKinney, IV (SIT Graduate Institute)
Readers Respond Forum:
"Are There Any Benefits to Diversity Statements?" by Ahmad A. Alharthi (University of Washington)
Resources and Announcements:
Also, check out our past issues!
We welcome your feedback and input. You can leave comments in our surveys, or reach us through email at grad@aaal.org OR aaalgrads@gmail.com.
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