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2020 AAAL Conference Roommate Finder


Updated: Jan 25, 2020

Grad students, are you ready for our conference this year?

If you would like to find someone to room with, we are offering you a monitored discussion space here for roommate searching.

Rules for posting and responding to listings:

1. Must be a graduate student.

2. No soliciting.

3. If you are posting a listing, you must provide: your name, contact info (email or social media channels), the hotel you have booked, room type, rate. If you haven't booked a hotel, you can fill in "TBD" for the hotel, room type, and rate.

4. DO NOT post your personal information such as phone number, home address, or password on the Padlet canvas as this is a public online space. Keep the ongoing conversation under the table between you and your respondent(s) via emails or messaging.

5. Maintain a proper etiquette.

6. (optional) We encourage you to sign up or log in to your Padlet account to ensure the credibility of the posts.

Please note that the conference organizers are not responsible for screening roommates, do not get involved in financial arrangements between roommates or between roommates and the hotel, and make no guarantees of any kind about compatibility, trustworthiness, etc. If you sign up as a roommate, you create an obligation to the person with whom you share a room. If you cancel or do not follow through with this commitment you will leave your roommate in a financial quandary.

Happy roommate searching!!

AAAL GSC Social Media Sub-Committee



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